One of the more fascinating movements to emerge in recent decades is the study of dreams. Humans as well as animals experience the state of sleep and dreaming yet we Westerners are hesitant to embrace what could solve daily challenges in our lives. This section focuses on the latest studies on sleep and dream research offering a rich wellspring of resources including books, articles, films & podcasts and links to better understand the rich terrain we call the dreamscape. Check out the DREAMWORK page for more information.
Dreams 101
- Honoring the Dream by Justina Lasley
- Waking up to your Dreams by Justina Lasley
- Memories, Dreams and Reflections by CG Jung
- Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill: Using Dreams to Tap the Wisdom of the Unconscious by Jeremy Taylor
- Dream Theatres of the Soul by Jean Raffa
- Discover the Messages in your Dreams with the Ullman Method by Janet S. Wahl
- Appreciating the Dream: A group approach by Montague Ullman
- Dream Language, A Handbook for Dream Work by Robert J. Hoss
- Extraordinary Dreams And How To Work With Them Fariba Bogzaran, Stanley Krippner & Andre Percia de Carvalho
- Our Dreaming Mind by Van de Castle
- Transforming Dreams: Learning Spiritual Lessons From The Dreams You Never Forget By Kelly Bulkeley
- Dream Time And Dream Work: Decoding The Language Of The Night Edited By Stanley Krippner
Dream Activism
- Prison Dreams by Carol Ashman
- Group Dreaming: Dreams To The Tenth Power by Jean Campbell
Dreams & Alchemy
- The Black Sun: The Alchemy And Art Of Darkness by Stanton Marlon
- Pregnant Darkness: Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness by Monika Wikman
- Alchemy and Individuation: The Colors of Transformation by Lynne Ehlers
- Jung and the Alchemical Imagination by J. Raff
- Alchemy: An Introduction To The Symbolism And The Psychology by Marie von Franz
- Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy by Edward F. Edinger
- Lucid Surrender: The Alchemy of the Soul in Lucid Dreaming by Melinda Powell
- Alchemy of Soul: The Art of Spiritual Transformation by Lee Irwin
Dreams & Animals
- Animal Wise and Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small by Ted Andrews
- Hillman’s Dream Animals
- Palmer. Animal Wisdom
- Dragons Hogarth & Val Clery.
- Russack. Animal Guides in Life, Myth and Dreams
- Tucker’s The Mystery of the White Lions
- Oakes The Wisdom of the Serpent the myths of death, rebirth and resurrection.
- Wolo., The Symbol of the Dog in the Human Psyche
Dreams & the Body (Health & Healing)
- Let your Body Interpret your Dreams. Gendlin.
- Working on yourself alone: Inner dreambody work. Mindell, Arnold.
- The Intuitive Healer: Accessing Your Inner Physician by Marcia Emery Ph.D., Caroline Myss Ph.D. (Foreword by)
- Dream Medicine by Kimberly Mascaro
- Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System As a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith
- Women’s Bodies, Women’s Dreams Patricia Garfield
- Heart Attack of the Soul: In The Labyrinth Of Healing Stephen B. Parker
- Dreams and Guided Imagery: Gifts for Transforming Illness and Crisis by Tallulah Lyons
- Dream to Freedom by Robert and Lynne Hoss
Dreams for Children (ages 1-17)
- We Dream Medicine Dreams by Lisa Boivin
- Dreamer’s Powerful Tiger by Angel Morgan
Dreams for Supporting Children
- Children’s Grief Dreams and the Theory Of Spiritual Intelligence by Kate Adams and Brendan Hyde
- Children’s Dreams During The Grief Process By C. Cooper
- Sleep Monsters and Superheroes: Empowering Children Through Creative Dreamplay various authors; edited by Clare Johnson and Jean Campbell
- Unseen Worlds: Looking Through the Lens of Childhood by Kate Adams
- Children’s Dreams; Understanding the Most Memorable Dreams and Nightmares of Childhood, Kelly Bulkeley and Patricia Bulkeley
- Dream Time With Children: Learning To Dream, Dreaming To Learn Brenda Mullen
Dreams & Consciousness (Psi)
- The African unconscious : roots of ancient mysticism and modern psychology by Edward Bruce Bynum,
- Dark Light Consciousness: Melanin, Serpent Power, and the Luminous Matrix of Reality by Edward Bruce Bynum
- Seth Dreams and Projections Of Consciousness by Jane Roberts
- Dream Telepathy Experiments In Nocturnal Extrasensory Perception Montague Allman, Stanley Krippner With Alan Vaughon
- Dreams Beyond Time: On Sacred Encounter and Spiritual Transformation by Lee Irwin
Dreams & Creativity
- Dream Work Techniques for Discovering the Creative Power in Dreams by Jeremy Taylor
- Dreaming on the Page, Tzivia Gover
- The Committee of Sleep: How Artists, Scientists, and Athletes Use Their Dreams for Creative Problem Solving-And How You Can Too by Deirdre Barrett
- The Natural Artistry of Dreams Mellick
- Creative Dreaming: Plan And Control Your Dreams To Develop Creativity, Overcome Fears, Solve Problems, And Create A Better Self by Patricia Garfield,
- Writers Dreaming: 26 Writers Talk About Their Dreams and the Creative Process By Naomi Epel
Dreams & Culture/Religion/Spirituality
- The Racial Complex: A Jungian Perspective on Culture and Race, Fanny Brewster
- The Dream Keepers and Native American Spirituality: A Critical Reader by Lee Irwin
- Well of Remembrance: Rediscovering the Earth Wisdom Myths of Northern Europe Metzner
- Secrets of the Talking Jaguar by Martin Prechtel
- Big Dreams: The Science of Dreaming and the Origins of Religion by Kelly Bulkeley
- Buddha in Redface by Eduardo Duran
- Dreaming in Christianity and Islam: Culture, Conflict, and Creativity Bulkeley, ed.
- Of Water and the Spirit by Malidome Patrice Some
- Entering the Circle by Kharitidis
- Walkers Between the Worlds: The Western Mysteries from Shaman to Magus by Caitlín Matthews
- The Tibetan Yogas Of Dream And Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
- Dream Work For The Soul: A Spiritual Guide To Dream Interpretation Rosemary Alan Galully
Dreams & Death & Dying
- Dreaming Beyond Death: a Guide to pre-Death Dreams and Visions by Kelly Bulkeley & Patricia Bulkley
- Sleeping, dreaming, and dying: An exploration of consciousness. Dalai Lama. Varela, Francisco J. (Ed), Wallace, B. Alan, Jinpa, Thupten (Translators)
- On Death & Dreams by Marie-Louise Von Franz
- Dreamers Book of the Dead by Robert Moss
- Through A Glass Darkly: Images Of The Dead In Dreams by Deirdre Barrett
- Dream and the Underworld Hillman (also good for mythology)
- The Tibetan Book Of The Dead, Or The After-Death Experiences On The Bardo Plane, According To Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdu’s English Rendering. Evans-Wentz, W. Y., ed
- The Field Guide to Ghosts and Other Apparitions (Field Guides to the Unknown)Jaffe
- Inner nature of man and life between death and rebirth by Rudolf Steiner
- Dreaming Into The Mystery: Explorations Into Being With The Dreams And Visions Of The Dying Mary Joe Hayen
- Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian Book Of The Dead By Normandy Ellis
Dreams & Grief (including Visitation Dreams)
- Grief Transformed: Dreams and the Mourning Process by Susan Olson (Child loss)
- The Dream Messenger: How Dreams of the Departed Bring Healing Gifts by Patricia Garfield
- Grief Dreams: How They Help Heal Us After The Death Of A Loved One by T.J., Wray & A.B. Price
- Dreams at the Threshold: Guidance, Comfort, and Healing at the End of Life by Jean Van Bronkhorst (Llewellyn 2015)
- “Exploring the Role of Bereavement Dreams Among Bereaved Adults: A Qualitative Inquiry,” Cecille Dela Vina, 2017. California School of Professional Psychology.
- “Experiencing the Deceased: Reconciling the Extraordinary,” Eda Devers 1994. Thesis: University of Florida
- “After Death Communication Role in Bereavement,” Thesis: California Institute for Human Science M. Demaris Drewry, 2002.
- Barbara Howard, 2013 “The Effect of Extraordinary Experiences (EEs) on Healing, Recovery, and Adaptation in Grief,” Thesis: Fielding Graduate University
- Elizabeth C. Keane, 2005. “Amazing Grace The Nature and Significance of Reported After-Death Communication Experiences,” Thesis: University of Western Sydney
- Stephanie Roeder, 1981. “ Dreams and Grieving: A Qualitative Exploration of Dreams During the Period of Mourning Following the Death of a Parent,” Thesis: Boston University School of Education
- Jennifer Shorter, 2009. “Visitation Dreams in Grieving Individuals: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Relationship Between Dreams and the Grieving Process,” Thesis: Institute for Transpersonal Psychology
- Jenny Streit-Horn, 2011. “A Systematic Review of Research on After-death Communication,” University of North Texas.Dreams at the Threshold: Guidance, Comfort, and Healing at the End of Life (Llewellyn 2015)
Dreams in History
- Lincoln Dreamt He Died: The Midnight Visions Of Remarkable Americans From Colonial Times To Freud Andrew Burstein
- Midnight in America: Darkness, Sleep, and Dreams During the Civil War by Jonathan W. White
Dreams & Lucidity
- Lucid dreaming: Gateway to the inner self by Robert Wagoner,
- —–Lucid Dreaming , Plain and Simple
- Lucid dreaming: An exploratory study of consciousness during sleep by LaBerge
- Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming: A Comprehensive Guide to Promote Creativity, Overcome Sleep Disturbances, and Enhance Health and Wellness by Clare R. Johnson,
- Lucid Dreaming: New Perspectives on Consciousness in Sleep, Ryan Hurd, K. Bulkeley, Ed
- Dreaming Wide Awake: Lucid Dreaming, Shamanic Healing, And Psychedelics By David J. Brown
- Lucid Dreaming – The Power of Being Awake & Aware in Your Dreams by Stephen LaBerge
- Dreaming Through Darkness by Charlie Morley
- Lucid Surrender: The Alchemy of the Soul in Lucid Dreaming by Melinda Powell
- Lucid Immersion Guidebook: A Holistic Blueprint For Lucid Dreaming and Lucid Talisman: Forgotten lore Lore by Ryan Hurd
Dreams & Mythology (Fairy Tales)
- Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola- Estes
- Hero with a Thousand Faces by Campbell
- The Interpretations of Fairytales, Feminine in Fairytale, and Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales by Marie-Louise von Franz
- The Stone Speaks Oaks
- The Living Labyrinth Jeremy Taylor
- Japanese Psyche: Major Motifs in the Fairy Tales of Japan by Hayao Kawai
Dreams & Nature
- Pogacnik’s Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings and Sacred Geography: Geomancy : Co-Creating the Earth Cosmos
- Sabini’s The Earth Has a Soul: The Nature Writings of C.G. Jung
- Smalls Wright’s Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered
- Spirits of the Earth: A Guide to Native American Nature Symbols, Stories, and Ceremonies by Lake-Thom.
- Stone Prayers: Native American Constructions of the Eastern Seaboard by Curtiss Hoffman
- Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind by Linda Buzzell (Editor), Craig Chalquist (Author)
Dreams & Personal Development
- Inner Work, using dreams and active imagination for personal growth by Robert A. Johnson
- Owning Your Own Shadow by Robert A Johnson
- Meeting the Shadow, The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature by Connie Zweig and Jeremiah Abrams
- Personal Mythology: Using Ritual, Dreams, and Imagination to Discover Your Inner Story by David Feinstein & Stanley Krippner
- Jenks’ Journey of a Dream Animal
- The Hidden Lives Of Dreams: What They Can Tell Us And How They Can Change Our World Melinda Powell
- Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home by Toko-pa Turner
- Dreams That Change Our Lives (various authors) Robert Hoss, ed
Dreams & Psychology (including Nightmares)
- Our African Unconscious: The Black Origins of Mysticism and Psychology by Edward Bruce Bynum
- An introduction to the psychology of dreaming Bulkeley, Kelly
- Families and the interpretation of dreams: Awakening the intimate web. Bynum, Edward Bruce
- Integral dreaming: A holistic approach to dreams Bogzaran, Delauries
- Collaborative psychoanalysis: Anxiety, depression, dreams, and personality change Bonime, Walter
- The clinical use of dreams (Psychoanalysis examined and re-examined). Bonime, Walter & Bonime, Florence
- The Art of Transforming Nightmares: Harness the Creative and Healing Power of Bad Dreams, Sleep Paralysis, and Recurring Nightmares by Clare R. Johnson
- Dreams and nightmares: The origin and meaning of dreams Hartmann, Ernest
- African Americans and Jungian Psychology: Leaving the Shadows by Fanny Brewster
- Healing the Soul Wound: Trauma-Informed Counseling for Indigenous Communities Eduardo Duran
- The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
- A Clinician’s Guide to Dream Therapy by Leslie Ellis
- Tarotpy: It’s All In The Cards- Lauren Z. Schneider
- Dream Reader: Contemporary Approaches To The Understanding Of Dreams Anthony Shafton
- The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud (Psychopathology of Everyday Life, the Interpretation of Dreams, and Three Contributions To the Theory of Sex) by Sigmund Freud and A.A. Brill
- Meeting the Shadow, the hidden power of the Dark side of Human Nature edited by Connie Zweig and Jeremiah Abrams
- Dreaming Through Darkness by Charlie Morley
Dreams & Sleep Science
- Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker
- The promise of sleep Dement, William
- When Brains Dream by Antonio Zadra and Robert Stickgold
- Dreaming: An Introduction to the Science of Sleep by J. Allan Hobson
- A Mindful Way to a Good Night’s Sleep by Tzivia Gover
- Understanding Sleep And Dreaming William H. Moorecroft
- Sleep Paralysis: A Guide to Hypnagogic Visions and Visitors of the Night Ryan Hurd
- Yoga Nidra: The Art of Transformational Sleep by Kamini Desai
Dream Symbols
- An Encyclopedia of Archetypal Symbolism, Vol. I. ARAS/Beverly Moon, ed.
- An Encyclopedia of Archetypal Symbolism. Vol. 2 The Body ARAS/George Elder.
- The Continuum Encyclopedia of Symbols. Udo Becker, ed.
- Dictionary of Symbols Biedermann
- Symbols of Transformation in Dreams Jean D. Clift & Wallace B. Clift.
- An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols. J.C. Cooper.
- A Dictionary of Symbols. .J.E. Cirlot.
- Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols, 2 vols. Gertrude Jobes
- The Herder Symbol Dictionary. Boris Matthews, trans.
- An Encyclopedia of Archetypal Symbolis. A.R.A.S. Vol. 1, Beverly Moon, ed.
- Rock Art Symbols of the Greater Southwest. Alex Patterson.
- Anthony Stevens. Ariadne’s Clue: A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind.
- The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets.
- The Dream Book Symbols For Self Understanding By Betty Bethards
- The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects Barbara G. Walker.
- Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend. Funk and Wagnalls.
- A Dictionary of Dream Symbols: with an introduction to dream psychology by Eric Ackeroyd